Monday 7 August 2017

Netball Positions

*GS-(goal shooter) is allowed to shoot, and only allowed in the goal third.
*GA-(goal attack) is also allowed to shoot but is allowed in the goal third and centre third.
*WA-(wing attack) is allowed in the goal third (not girl circle) and centre third and has to feed the ball into the goal circle.
*C-(centre)is allowed everywhere apart from the goal circle. Its job is to move the ball down the court.
*WD-(wing defence) is allowed in the centre third and goal third. Marks the WA trying to stop the WA from getting the ball (defending).
*GD-(goal defence) is allowed in the goal third including goal circle and in the centre third. Marks the GA defending the ball and trying to not let the GA shoot.
*GK-(goal keeper) is only allowed in the goal third marking the GS stooping the GS fom shooting.

Rules Summary Court AreasOffsidePlayer moving out of own area, with or without ball (on a line counts as within either area).
Over a Third: Ball may not be thrown over two transverse lines without being touched.
Out of Court: Ball is out of court when it contacts anything outside the court area (not the goalpost). The ball is returned into play by a Throw-In taken from a point outside the line where the ball left the court. The player stands with foot close to the line, and the ball must be thrown onto the court within three seconds. 

Conclusion is in my opinion, netball is a amazing game and I'm sure this game very intersting and all girl will enjoy it when playing with their team. Thank you 😊💖

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